Govt. College Israna (Panipat)

Ethics and Values for Students

1. Discipline and Punctuality are two most essential traits required in a profession to be successful.

2. Be respectful and well-mannered towards all the staff & fellow classmates in your College.

3. Make sure to stay active. Not only is exercise a healthy way to keep off that extra weight, but it may also reduce stress.

4. Use all the resources available in the college judiciously and effectively.

5. Be responsible for your actions and learn to share and shoulder the collective responsibility of your class.

6. Be open-minded so that you have a willingness to listen to other ideas and opinions and consider the possibility that you are wrong or may change your own perspective.

7. Team spirit among Students improves the ability of individuals to work together and boosts morale.

8. Students with integrity will work hard to earn their degrees in a fair and honest way by putting in the hours to study and complete assignments.

9. File any genuine complaint to the concerned authority without fear.

1. Don’t procrastinate in doing your schoolwork.

2. Don’t rag and don’t be a mute witness to ragging.

3. Don’t litter the Campus. A clean and healthy environment will lead to a better tomorrow.

4. Don’t use unfair means during examinations.

5. Don’t Overschedule yourself. Over scheduling could be overwhelming and could make it hard to keep up.

6. Don’t indulge in any activity that may cause harm to the others or to yourself.

7. Desist from violence of any kind inside the Campus or outside it.

8. Smoking and/or consumption of any kind of alcoholic drinks/drugs inside the College is strictly prohibited.

9. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Source: Prospectus 2020-2021 Admissions, Department of Higher Education, Haryana.


G. C. Israna